E-Export, E-Commerce, Marketplace and Infrastructure Software for Entrepreneurs

Such as E-Export, E-Commerce, B2B, B2C, C2C, Wholesale, Dealer and Retail and other than thatEnterprise Projects we develop entrepreneurial persons and institutions with our own infrastructure.

E-Export, E-Commerce, Marketplace and Infrastructure Software Advantages for Entrepreneurs

❖ Special For Your Business
We are every company business processes We are aware that every product sold and every target audience has different perceptions.

❖ Easy and Comprehensive Admin Panel
We will tell you in detail but in one go reportable We offer a user-friendly admin panel.

❖ Fast and Sensitive to Search Engines
Our own performance enhancing technology gets a ceiling score according to the Google PageSpeed report. According to desktop tests, it scores at 99% and mobile scores at 85%.

Thanks to our cyber security experts, all your sites and customers are safe 24/7.

❖ User Friendly Interface
Thanks to COMER, which has a user-friendly interface, you will not be drowned in pages. While it was being designed, it was shaped according to your ideas and usage structure and it continues to take shape continuously.

❖ Everything Faster and Aesthetic
Have designs that combine design and software perfectly with our team, who know each other, have not changed as a person for years, but remain current as an idea.

❖ Responsive and Suitable for User Experience
Our sites and control panel we have created are fully compatible with phones and tablets. Enjoy the convenience of controlling the control panel from your phone.

Potential Sectors
Entrepreneurs, Individuals and institutions with a project idea, Institutions with a dealer network, Retailers, Stores, Wholesalers

Bizeneolur.com, Yessyeni.com, Evinibizesor.com, Tamirfix.com, Sanalgiyim.com, Guzeklliksende.com, Perdeka.com